Simple Poll makes it quick and easy to create polls in Slack. There are a couple of ways to do so, so let’s start with the easiest.
A quick way to create a poll is by using a shortcut. You can access the Simple Poll shortcut by clicking the Attachments and shortcuts button in Slack. It’s the little plus symbol in the bottom left of the chat window.
If Create poll with Simple Poll is not in the list already, you can search for it by typing "poll":
After selecting the shortcut for Create poll with Simple Poll, a modal window that lets you create your poll will open:
Fill in the details of your poll and select any settings you want to apply. When you’re ready, click Preview to check what your poll will look like.
💡 Tip: If you want a safe place to experiment with creating polls, you can post one in a private channel, or even in a direct message to yourself!
You can create polls by using the /poll command. You can use this command in two ways:
1. Type in /poll and press Enter. This will open the modal window in the same way as using a shortcut.
2. Type in /poll directly followed by the question/topic you want to ask and the options you want to include. Surround your question and each option with quotation marks.
For example, typing this:
/poll “What times would work for a quick team meeting later?” “1pm” “2pm” “3pm”
Hitting enter, or send, will post the poll:
You can still make use of the settings from the modal window, by adding keywords after your question/topic and options. Keywords are not surrounded with quotation marks.
For example, you can create a poll that is both anonymous and allows people to add options:
/poll “What do you want to make sure we cover in the company meeting later?” “Hiring progress” “Party update” “Financials” allow-options anonymous
Here is what that poll would look like:
If you get stuck, don’t hesitate to get in touch via [email protected]